Why this newsletter exists

I head back to college in less than a month. I’ve gotta say, officially launching this newsletter over the summer has been exceptionally difficult. We’re away from campus. Away from other students. Completely removed from the college environment.

This brings me back to something I’ve been thinking a lot about recently: The gap between doing what’s good and accomplishing what’s great is widened by isolation and bridged by community.

Time to dive into today’s email.

The Acquisitor seeks to tackle the challenge of turning written media into a dynamic project that helps students make the most of the college experience.


Why this newsletter exists

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” -Peter Drucker

Education matters. But what you do with that education matters more.

This newsletter sits in two camps: one as a resource that offers thoughts and insights about college, and the other as a catalyst for students to take the knowledge they’ve gained and apply it.

It’s not just about what you learn from textbooks and lectures; it’s about the whole of the college experience and everything that you acquire from it—education, relationships, goals, values.

One thing that The Acquisitor does differently as a content-creation project is that it challenges the scope of what media organizations do. It boils down to three different thresholds that readers can have access to. Most groups only offer their readers the first. The Acquisitor aims to provide all three.

  • Threshold #1: Learn. Like many media organizations, the content that we share is meant to inform, entertain, or just provide food for thought.

  • Threshold #2: Discuss. Unlike many media organizations, the motivation behind The Acquisitor is to spark conversation about college as not only an immediate experience, but also as a tool. What is the point of it all if we aren’t open or prepared to talk about it?

  • Threshold #3: Act. This is the bonus round, the added challenge to everything we’re seeking to explore with this newsletter. If we are able to help at least one student on their college journey with not just any insight, but an actionable one, then we have met the requirements for this threshold.

We are still at such an early stage in the game. It feels like every single day of developing this project, we’re met with more bumps in the road. But as we move forward and continue to grow, The Acquisitor stays rooted in its objective to foster connection and drive action through resource-based media for college students.

To get something out of this newsletter, you don’t need to have it all figured out already. In fact, it’s honestly quite the opposite.

It is our belief that the student who will find the most value from everything we offer is the one who holds genuine curiosity about what it looks like to explore and maximize the college experience.

With all of that being said, I can’t wait to see what comes next for us. Stay connected, and follow us on LinkedIn if you haven’t already.

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This email is pretty spot-on with our thinking right now. But also, like most students, we are low-key bs’ing this stuff fr