Professors are people, too. Talk to them!

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  • Talk with your professors: It’s not weird. Just be a normal human being, and start a conversation with them. It’s a chance to connect, learn new stuff, find opportunities for networking, and get your foot in the door for letters of recommendation.

  • Aftermath of the Affirmative Action ban: Black and Latino enrollment drops at M.I.T. one year after U.S. Supreme Court bans Affirmative Action.

  • Snapshot of this week’s clippings: The sports betting industry 📈 meanwhile your bank account 📉. Co-ops are becoming more popular—and with good reason. Universities continue to shut down DEI initiatives.


Practical ways to connect with your college professors

Professors are people, too. As professionals who are so heavily involved in your education and career development, it can be incredibly beneficial for you to connect with your professors beyond the lecture hall. It’s not as weird or scary as you might think—and the thing is, professors want to connect with you, too.

Believe it or not, most professors do care about their students and want them to do well. With the experiences, advice, insights, and safe spaces that many professors offer, faculty is one of the greatest resources for success that a student can tap into during their time in college.

Here are five points to get you thinking about how you can best connect and build rapport with your professors:

1. Talk to professors right before or after class.

Before class

Resist the urge to get on your phone. Talk to your professor instead. You don’t have to necessarily ask them a question about the homework. In fact, if you’re really trying to build a connection, talk with them on a personal level. Engage in small talk: Ask how their day is going, and share something about your own—remember, professors are human too, and they appreciate connecting with others just as much as we do.

After class

Don’t bolt out the door the second the professor says, “I’ll see you all next class.” Take your time packing up your things. You never know, the professor might actually start talking to you first. But even if they don’t, you can start the conversation by mentioning something from the class period that you found particularly interesting, or you can ask the professor what their personal opinion is about what was discussed in class that day. Whatever you end up doing, remember that the goal here is to connect with another person. So, be yourself, and don’t overthink it. Just have a normal conversation.

2. Share an idea or resource with them over email.

It might seem strange to reach out to your professor via email if you aren’t asking them a question about the class, homework, or an exam—but professors appreciate the occasional email that shows them a student is engaging with their content outside of the classroom. You can:

  • Email them with an idea or thought that builds on what you learned in class that day.

  • Share a resource that you think they may find helpful.

  • Offer feedback on something that resonated with you in class.

  • Recommend a book or video that aligns with the course material.

  • Seek their opinion on something related to the course or your career development as it relates to their subject.

Here’s an example of when I reached out to my Spanish linguistics professor about something I found outside of class that I thought she might find interesting (don’t be intimidated by how long my email is—I like to write a lot, but you certainly don’t have to):

3. Strategically use office hours as a time to build rapport.

Professors dedicate a lot of time to their subjects, their classes, and to you. Nearly all professors are willing to talk with you during their office hours, even if it isn’t about an upcoming paper or exam. If you feel awkward randomly dropping by or aren’t sure if you can schedule office hours for only a chat rather than for help on an assignment, just ask them after class one day. It’s not weird—they used to be in your shoes, so most of them totally get it.

Another thing to keep in mind: Connecting with professors doesn’t necessarily mean you need to get something tangible out of the social exchange with them (i.e. an answer to a homework question or an extension on your project). If you’re truly trying to connect with your professor, steer away from questions that have immediate yes/no answers. Try to build authentic conversation.

Ask professors questions about themselves. Why did they pick the field they teach about? What made them interested in it? What other research or work have they done outside of class? What experiences do they have besides teaching?

The “trick” here is that you need to be curious, and you need to be genuine.

4. Show your face as much as possible.

This is pretty easy to do in smaller classes of 20 or less, but it can be super difficult to do in medium or large-sized classes. You want to make it as easy as possible for your professor to recall your name and match it with your face. Here’s what you can do:

  • Insert a headshot as your email profile pic. When you email your professor, they’ll see your face every time. Very few students actually do this.

  • Participate in class. This method is more effective in smaller classes of 45 or less, but do your best. Offering meaningful contribution during class, even if it’s just a question, will stand out as a positive thing to your professor.

  • Sit toward the front, consistently. Even if you don’t participate much, your professor will at least know that you exist.

5. Build a positive reputation in the class.

Participation and sitting toward the front of the class definitely help with this, but there are other ways to build a positive reputation in the class that don’t require you to be an outgoing extravert. This method is as simple as do well in the course. Make decent grades, turn things in on time, do your best on every assignment and exam, ask thoughtful questions (even if it’s over email), pay attention in class, and just be a good student overall. Your professors will take notice.

Show them that you’re interested in what they have to say and teach—doing that in and of itself will help you stand out and put you in a good position for making connections with your professors.


Affirmative Action ban leads to plunge in M.I.T. Black and Latino enrollment

This fall marks the first undergraduate class to be admitted into universities since the U.S. Supreme Court banned Affirmative Action last year. According to the New York Times, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) is one of the first major schools to release the demographics of its freshman class since the ban. Here’s what M.I.T. revealed about their class of 2028 in comparison to their class of 2027:

Black students enrolled: 15% last year ➡️ 5% this year.

Hispanic and Latino students enrolled: 16% last year ➡️ 11% this year.

White students enrolled: 38% last year ➡️ 37% this year.

Asian American students enrolled: 40% last year ➡️ 47% this year.

Questions were raised about whether MIT had previously admitted under-qualified students as a result of affirmative action, while others speculated that the real issue might be MIT's heavy reliance on standardized test scores, which disproportionately impacted the enrollment of Black and Latino students after Affirmative Action was banned.

🏀 Only losers: There are no winners in online sports betting, and lower-income households are facing the worst of its effects.

Students feel like it’s not a problem because they don’t do it all the time. But that doesn’t mean it can’t become problematic.

Karen Hofmann on sports betting | Source: University of Central Florida

💼 Employment-ready: Students are finding co-op programs to be incredibly valuable in a competitive job market, with schools like Northeastern University leading the trend in partnering with employers to hire students who are still in school.

🌏 Universities shut down DEI initiatives: Kentucky’s Office of Institutional Diversity is being replaced by the Office for Community Relations. Meanwhile, Nebraska dissolves their DEI office, letting go of their Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion.

🐓 Fast food TV: Chick-Fil-A is launching its own streaming platform, fully stocked with original shows and content. The internet wants to know if it’ll only be accessible Monday through Saturday.

🎮 Hot or not? According to this study, the more physically attractive you are, the less likely you are to be a gamer (don’t worry, the study affirms that it doesn’t work the other way around).

Shoutout Jacob for taking up Instagram duty for us—go follow The Acquisitor.


I met with my advisor to go over graduation requirements today and it’s finally starting to hit that this is the end fr