How to not get bullied in college

Last week, I binge-watched Season 2 of Master Chef. It was my first time ever watching the show (I know, I’m late to the party). I think the judges’ intensity at roasting people may have mildly inspired this email.

Anyway, don’t bully people. But also, seriously, jot down what’s in this email and file away for later. Here are five things you should adhere to in order to not get bullied in college 😃👍

Be a good person. Be self aware. Be considerate of others. (It’s that simple!)


How to not get bullied in college

Here are some (common sense) unspoken rules of college culture that you just need to pick up and roll with if you want to comply with what’s socially acceptable.

1. Don’t say “I’m a sophomore/junior/senior by credit!”

You’re going to get asked this a lot: “What year are you?” If you are a freshman, just say you are a freshman. If you are a sophomore, just say you are a sophomore. And if you must, you could also just say “This is my first/second/third year in college.”

Sure, you might be graduating college early after all of the college credits you earned from high school roll in. Great job! Gold star! Pat on the back! But you don’t need to tell everyone that upon first meeting them.

You can save the “I’m a sophomore/junior/senior by credit!” line for your advisor, your grandma, and your mom’s Facebook friends.

2. Don’t be loud in quiet spaces of the library.

This isn’t high school, so it’s not funny to be loud where people study. A lot of libraries have designated spaces where you can talk and other spaces where you’re asked to be silent.

It’s not hard to follow these rules, but every now and then you have people who want to spill their entire friend group’s tea in the book stacks of the library, or someone who is totally fine blasting their music while others are trying to do work or study.

I promise people will not find you “cool” if you do these things at the library.

3. Don’t litter.

It’s bad for the environment, and doing so would make you quite the jerk. But on a college campus, if you get caught littering, people seriously might dox you. You wouldn’t want to end up featured on an Instagram account like this one.

Be aware of your belongings and trash, and always pick up after yourself.

4. Don’t show PDA where you shouldn’t.

Use your best judgment here.

Shout out to the couple at my college’s gym who lay on top of each other making out while everyone else around them is stretching and lifting weights.

And an honorable mention to the couple in our student union who sit in the middle of the dining area with their arms wrapped around each other nuzzling their faces together.

This is actually not one of the couples that I referenced. But…

5. Don’t leave your laundry in the machine for hours on end.

It’s pretty gross if you leave your clothes in the washer for an extended period of time after the cycle ends. You’re basically creating a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. On your clothes.

But leaving your clothes in the communal washer or dryer for hours at a time is pretty inconsiderate, because others have to wait for you to come back and get your clothes out. Don’t do this. You will get bullied. And/or someone will just take your clothes out for you and throw them onto the floor.

Fun fact: Your class is not shorter than the time it will take your clothes to wash or dry. Don’t put your clothes in right before going to class. You won’t beat the machine.

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Your college roomie moving in


“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

Look I’m just tryna make it to friday fr