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  • You need to do Odyssey planning if you're a college student

You need to do Odyssey planning if you're a college student

An Odyssey plan is a version of your life that you map out. The point is not to know exactly what your entire life’s plan will be. The point is to reimagine what you believe to be possible for yourself.


You need to do Odyssey planning if you’re a college student

In my notebook app, I have a folder titled “World Domination.” Odyssey planning is the most recent entry in this folder.

You’re probably not looking to dominate the world (and neither am I… that title is just a metaphor for getting out there and kicking butt). But seriously, Odyssey planning is a game changer.

Here’s how it works:

Odyssey Plan #1: Write down your current plan or existing idea for how your life is going to look in the next 5 years.

Odyssey Plan #2: Figure out what you would do if that first plan can’t happen.

Odyssey Plan #3: Do some blue-sky thinking. What would you do if time and money were no object?

Your Odyssey plans can be written down on a piece of paper, drawn out on a whiteboard, made in Canva (this is how I did mine), stored in voice memos, or created with literally any medium you want. They can be detailed plots or two sentences each. Whatever floats your boat.

The point is not to know exactly what your entire life’s plan will be.

The point is to reimagine what you believe to be possible for yourself.

If “college success” were a recipe, Odyssey planning would be the secret sauce. It has conventional benefits like goal clarity, self-awareness and reflection, motivation and focus, risk-taking, informed decision-making, and sense of purpose.

But let’s take a crack at what that really means. This is what the effects of Odyssey planning could look like:

💵 You make more money. Odyssey planning lets you identify and pursue opportunities that align with your goals and strengths. This means → Higher-paying jobs, successful business ventures, smarter investments.

💬 You meet more awesome people. By considering what you want out of life, you are going to naturally gravitate toward communities and networks that align with your goals. This means → Meaningful collaborations, mentorships, and friendships to enhance and shape your life.

🌄 You reduce stress and build confidence. Everyone grows at their own pace, but by reflecting on these things now, you can maximize your time in college. This means → Staying ahead of the game, enjoying the moment, having fun, and feeling better about your decisions.

🌎 You cultivate more valuable experiences. College is not just an experience that will happen to you. It’s a tool that you can use to change your life. I know that sounds really serious, but think of it as a mindset rather than an action item on your to-do list. This means → Exploring new possibilities, making the most of your time, and becoming a more authentic and content version of yourself.

You live a better life. Two words: Fulfillment and interest. Odyssey planning can help keep these two things consistent for you. It’s not just about getting a good job and being a productive member of society. It’s about making sure your time as a student is well-rounded and a meaningful, whatever that may look like for you. This means → Taking risks, chasing opportunities that will make you successful, and maintaining a healthy life balance.

If you want to see what my Odyssey plans look like, just reply to this email and I can send you the graphics I made.

💬 We want to hear from you: Reply to this email and let us know one thing you’re looking forward to next semester. Yes, I do actually look at your responses. It’s fun connecting with our readers!


My most controversial opinion is that light mode is better than dark mode. I genuinely don’t get why half of the population puts their phone in dark mode.